tiera shaye
United States, Ohio


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What is something your labor and delivery or postpartum nurse did that you are super grateful for?

I plan on going back to OB and I want to be the best support and nurse possible for everyone and make it the absolute best experience. ❤️🥰
massgirl She stayed past the end of her shift. She was with me all night since I was
icebergahead Helped me put a diaper on my dd. I had never been around infants before and this
llamapantaloons I had a group of nurse cheerleaders while I was pushing…all 3 hours. I’m pretty sure I
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Больно с установленным стентом из-за камня в почках? Опыт, облегчение боли, литотрипсия и что делать
Anyone ever have to have a stent put in for a kidney stone?!

I need some help because I am in so much pain even on medications and can’t talk to anyone in urology about getting lithotripsy until at least Monday but they are telling me I could have this stent in for at least 2-3 weeks before getting lithotripsy done. How is our medical system so screwed up that it’s ok to have someone be in this much pain for so long. It’s wild to me. This pain is worse than natural child birth. I do not wish it on anyone!

Anyways did the pain get better over a few days or does the stent pain pretty much stay the same? I am just so hopeless right now. I have 2 kids to care for and am on my last month of my BSN degree. I can’t fall behind. I just don’t know what to do!
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Как стать минималистом? Советы по избавлению от вещей и упрощению жизни (опыт с детскими вещами и гардеробом)
Anyone have tips for being/becoming minimalistic. I am so overwhelmed with stuff. And have a habit of forgetting I buy things then buy more of the same thing. This is typically with my kids’ stuff. Maybe I should stop buying things the next size ahead too. But I am just so over having a bunch of things. My long term goal is to also simplify my closet into less items but with items that can be worn a multitude of ways. Please give me any tips or tricks.
jenx We're having a family challenge in April to go through all our old clothes and donate what
itskarina Start going through one room at a time and make a toss, keep, and donate pile. I
bodybycheetos Get a designated donate basket and put 2/3 things from each room in it every day maybe?
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Удаление аденоидов и установка трубок в уши ребенку: опыт, реабилитация?
My daughter needs to have tubes in her ears and they said they will be removing just her adenoids but not her tonsils. Anyone else’s kids have this done as well? How is the recovery?
damnitred It’s an easy peasy recovery. My youngest has has tubes like 6 times and had her adenoids
ladyfreyja My Twin boy had this done about a year ago, just the tubes. He did well. Super
fairykarmamomma Did they explain why just the adenoids? A T&A together was very common when I had mine
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Куда съездить отдохнуть в США в феврале без детей? Ищем интересные места для отпуска!
Where are your favorite vacation spots? Looking for something fun in the United States in February. This will be a kids free vacation too!
somebodysmama2 New Orleans is always my go to.
icebergahead No favorites because I want to do something new each time. 💡
fairykarmamomma San Diego and while not on the mainland, Puerto Rico has perfect weather and no passport required
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Фибромиалгия и месячные - ужасное сочетание! Сильная вспышка, боли везде, что делать?
Currently having a Fibromyalgia flare up and started my period today. This is a first. Also one of my worst flare ups. Any tips to help?!

I have only been diagnosed a year and typically have flare ups in the winter and have really only had a few since diagnosis. I had them before but had no clue why I was in pain and i now make a mental note of my flare ups so I can tell when they are similar or different or what’s going on. Plus I was recently diagnosed with EPI so having GI issues as well. Lord help me! My body hurts my belly hurts and I’m pms-ing 😂
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momgroupreject Not the same but I take gabapentin for pain related to endo and when I get really
xryztalroze I am currently receiving insurance paid massages and chiropractic care for pain management. Gentle pressure massage really
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Jeep Gladiator для семьи: плюсы и минусы дизеля? Отзывы!
Anyone own a Jeep? Specifically a gladiator? Pros and cons for it being a family vehicle. We are looking at the Diesel one. My husband is in the fence as he isn’t familiar with keeps like he is with gmc vehicles. So he is hesitant. I absolutely loved it though once we test drove it. I’m so close to getting him to say yes.
2 Don’t do it. Jeeps cost way too much money for what they are 🤷‍♀️ everything for Jeep
massmomma16 All family in car business told me to never get a Jeep. Not good cars and too
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Забеременела после перевязки труб? Расскажите о своем опыте и снах на эту тему!
How many of you have gotten pregnant after getting your tubes tied?

I’m a bit superstitious and my daughter said a few months ago I was going to have a baby. And was telling everyone. Then fast forward I had a very vivid dream with a timeline here soon.

In my dream—I found out I was in fact pregnant though having my tubes tied and I talked to a girl I went to school with (who is currently pregnant with a little girl and due in 3 ish months) well I’m the dream she had her baby and the baby was 2 months old and I asked her if she would sell me all her daughters outgrown items as I just found out I was having a baby girl. It was just so real and crazy.
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wellabean0413 The chances are very slim but it can happen. There’s actually a girl here that announced she’s
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Медсестры-мамы, делитесь! Стоит ли учиться на FNP, когда дети маленькие? Плюсы и минусы
Any nurse mama’s here. If so is it worth going back to school to become an FNP?

I’m so torn because my kids are little and I know it will be a rough few years. What are your pros and cons?
mandyd17 I’m a FNP! Or I was…I just retired my license late last year because I’ve been staying
mandyd17 FNP Pros: Good pay, Nice having autonomy, Lots of job opportunities FNP Cons: Lots of charting, Patients
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