tiera shaye
tiera shaye

Как стать минималистом? Советы по избавлению от вещей и упрощению жизни (опыт с детскими вещами и гардеробом)

Anyone have tips for being/becoming minimalistic. I am so overwhelmed with stuff. And have a habit of forgetting I buy things then buy more of the same thing. This is typically with my kids’ stuff. Maybe I should stop buying things the next size ahead too. But I am just so over having a bunch of things. My long term goal is to also simplify my closet into less items but with items that can be worn a multitude of ways. Please give me any tips or tricks.

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Get a designated donate basket and put 2/3 things from each room in it every day maybe? Put it all in a box and take to good will. OR, join a buy nothing group on Facebook for your area, people will grab any kind of junk. I saw one lady giving away what she described “really disgusting protein bars.” 🤣
31.03.2023 Нравится Ответить
Start going through one room at a time and make a toss, keep, and donate pile. I got rid of a ton of stuff like this including my clothes. If you’re going to buy toys make sure you have a place for them. This past Christmas my daughter only got 3-4 things and each thing has a place in the house where they can be stored. No more random toys every time we go to the store just because if we know we have no room for them.
31.03.2023 Нравится Ответить
We're having a family challenge in April to go through all our old clothes and donate what we don't wear and to try to buy nothing that isn't groceries for the whole month. It's not easy because we live in a very buy more than you need/throw things away society.
30.03.2023 Нравится Ответить
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