tiera shaye
tiera shaye

Фибромиалгия и месячные - ужасное сочетание! Сильная вспышка, боли везде, что делать?

Currently having a Fibromyalgia flare up and started my period today. This is a first. Also one of my worst flare ups. Any tips to help?!

I have only been diagnosed a year and typically have flare ups in the winter and have really only had a few since diagnosis. I had them before but had no clue why I was in pain and i now make a mental note of my flare ups so I can tell when they are similar or different or what’s going on. Plus I was recently diagnosed with EPI so having GI issues as well. Lord help me! My body hurts my belly hurts and I’m pms-ing 😂

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I am currently receiving insurance paid massages and chiropractic care for pain management. Gentle pressure massage really helps. And keep moving! It hurts but stopping hurts worse!
24.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
Not the same but I take gabapentin for pain related to endo and when I get really bad psoriasis flares, it targets nerve pain so maybe ask your doctor about it it? also warm baths and heating pads and pretty much the fetal position for period lol
24.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
I’m on the right track haha. I took a got bath and brought the heating blanket back out and and currently wrapped up in it in bed for the night. Also I have muscle relaxers for my migraines so I took one of those as well in the hopes of a good nights sleep. And to hopefully help ease some of the pain. It just sucks. Because this pain is so deep and achy.
24.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
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