tiera shaye
tiera shaye

Больно с установленным стентом из-за камня в почках? Опыт, облегчение боли, литотрипсия и что делать

Anyone ever have to have a stent put in for a kidney stone?!

I need some help because I am in so much pain even on medications and can’t talk to anyone in urology about getting lithotripsy until at least Monday but they are telling me I could have this stent in for at least 2-3 weeks before getting lithotripsy done. How is our medical system so screwed up that it’s ok to have someone be in this much pain for so long. It’s wild to me. This pain is worse than natural child birth. I do not wish it on anyone!

Anyways did the pain get better over a few days or does the stent pain pretty much stay the same? I am just so hopeless right now. I have 2 kids to care for and am on my last month of my BSN degree. I can’t fall behind. I just don’t know what to do!

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