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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! Что приготовил на ужин после праздников и как увидел оленя?
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Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. And happy Holidays. I'm sick of leftovers so this is what I made for tonight, hope it's good. Picture of a buck I saw today, he is not in my dinner lol
m00my2five Dinner looks yum!
rayofmysunshine Looks good! My daughter made up a ham leftover song this evening. And when I told her
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Kohls прислал посылку в полуоткрытом пакете: что случилось и что делать, если что-то пропало?
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Seriously this is how the package came from Kohl's today and they had it in a half open bag. Why would they put something that could break in a bag instead of a box and that's easily accessible to somebody because someone either opened it and dug through it or let their dog chew on it and I don't know if there's anything missing
jenx Send Kohl's the pictures so they send you another one. And I woukd tell them I am
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Первый опыт в вышивке: пробую набор жука из Walmart за 10$
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Tried my hand at some embroidery. Not the best but I'm still learning. Found this pattern set at Walmart for $10. It's like a stuffed beetle. Going to use it as a tree ornament
У сына пневмония: когда уже это закончится? Антибиотики не помогают, что делать? Иммунитет страдает!
My son still has pneumonia. Like when will it ever end, and just go away, he's been on so many different antibiotics now they just gave him one of the stronger ones. Poor kids immune system is going to be ruined.
icebergahead I am so sorry😞
llamapantaloons Aww man. I hope he feels better soon!
jenx I was reading an article that walking pneumo is going around bad at schools and daycares :(
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Пневмония у ребенка: что делать, если положили в больницу? Наш опыт и советы
Anyone here ever been hospitalized or have a kid that's been hospitalized with pneumonia, well mine just was admitted last night. It's pretty scary because I've never been through this before I've never had it myself and no one else here has had it before. Started with a cold and a fever with a cough on Sunday. Took him to the doctor Tuesday cuz he wasn't getting better said he had a touch of pneumonia. Gave him antibiotic, was on it for 3 Days didn't help at all fever still rising. So we took him back to the doctor again yesterday they said take him to the hospital for X-rays and stuff and they decided to keep them cuz they hear it more now like deep pockets in his lungs
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icebergahead Only for bronchospasm and other asthma related issues (even when I had covid) myself and that was
mommakaylax3 My son was 3 started with a cold and lead into pneumonia after taking him back to
lizibear84 My youngest gets pneumonia almost every time he gets a cold. He hasn’t been hospitalized for it,
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Oh boy, началось! Как остановить эту бездну и не разориться? Помогите советом!
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Oh boy it's begun. Stop me know before im poor lol
ladyfreyja The at home store. They only had one there on the floor display they said they didn't
icebergahead Oogie Boogie baby. I have one out all year-round lol.
icebergahead That Zero could be a tree topper too.
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Салат с белой фасолью и жареный чеддер: вкусно и полезно!
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White bean salad and grilled cheddar cheese with spinach. Couldn't figure out what to do for dinner so my husband said fend for yourself, so I made all this for my dinner. I was totally fine with fending for myself cuz he wanted steak and potatoes, that's what he always wants and I'm so sick and tired of it. I'm telling you if I was living alone I would eat like this every night. I would be so much more healthier and weigh 10 lb less or more
m00my2five This looks delicious, I hope you are doing okay. 💕
lizibear84 That bean salad looks amazing!!!
ladyfreyja My grilled cheese looks crazy smushed lol, because I put a pan on top of it to
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