Пневмония у ребенка: что делать, если положили в больницу? Наш опыт и советы

Anyone here ever been hospitalized or have a kid that's been hospitalized with pneumonia, well mine just was admitted last night. It's pretty scary because I've never been through this before I've never had it myself and no one else here has had it before. Started with a cold and a fever with a cough on Sunday. Took him to the doctor Tuesday cuz he wasn't getting better said he had a touch of pneumonia. Gave him antibiotic, was on it for 3 Days didn't help at all fever still rising. So we took him back to the doctor again yesterday they said take him to the hospital for X-rays and stuff and they decided to keep them cuz they hear it more now like deep pockets in his lungs

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My youngest gets pneumonia almost every time he gets a cold. He hasn’t been hospitalized for it, thankfully, cause we know at this point how to handle it early. It can get really scary!
18.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
My son was 3 started with a cold and lead into pneumonia after taking him back to the doctors two days later due to labor breathing he was admitted into the hospital for observation and was on a low dose of oxygen for 3 days and monitored for his fevers ect. It was super scary because I never knew anyone who has had pneumonia let alone a child.
18.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
Same here this is the first time I've ever had it like in my family at all. What's crazy is his pulse/ox was totally fine he was having no issues breathing it was the temperature and the coughing.They just sent him home today in the afternoon when I went there to take over the shift they let him go.
19.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
Only for bronchospasm and other asthma related issues (even when I had covid) myself and that was scary but pneumonia is a whole other level of scary. Lung-related illnesses are freaking scary!

Hoping your LO has a quick recovery.
18.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
He's still not out of the woods but they sent him home today with me. Still coughing a bunch on and off. He has deep pockets in his lungs that are filled with pneumonia, it's just really hard to get it out they said. He seems fine part of the time then he seems fatigued like the rest of the time it's like on and off. Same with a fever it's on and off he had three rounds of iv antibiotics in the hospital. And now they send him home with 13 doses of antibiotics.
19.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
And PS-I hope the antibiotics start working on the infection really soon and he feels more energized. Pneumonia is difficult because it sits in a sticky pocket in the lungs and is harder to get to. My manners suck before I have had coffee.
18.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
Yeah that's exactly what they said he has a bunch of pockets of it in his lungs now. And antibiotics didn't work the first three days he was on it that's why they had him go to the hospital. Still running a fever on and off though and still fatigued on and off with a cough
19.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
Never hospitalized for it, but I had a slight case of it in my early 20s and it took me weeks to get over and get my energy back. It was really rough.
18.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
I hope he feels better soon pneumonia is no fun and scary and yes we have had many hospital stays for it and hopefully he starts feeling better soon
18.10.2024 Нравится Ответить
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