Kohls прислал посылку в полуоткрытом пакете: что случилось и что делать, если что-то пропало?
Seriously this is how the package came from Kohl's today and they had it in a half open bag. Why would they put something that could break in a bag instead of a box and that's easily accessible to somebody because someone either opened it and dug through it or let their dog chew on it and I don't know if there's anything missing
Was just going to say I just called them and they told me that they were going to send me another one. I was like okay, so what am I supposed to do with the old one, am I shipping it back to you? They're like no you can keep it. I'm like excuse me, so I can keep it even though just the outside box is damaged you don't want it back or you don't want pictures? The guy was like no I believe you. So I guess I will give my my other son the open one, I'll just put it in a different box. I feel kind of weird and guilty keeping it though it's odd.
@ladyfreyja I am pretty sure stores keep data on customers and when you literally never complain, but then you have a bad experience, they are going to believe you. And it isn't worth the cost to them to ship it back, have someone inspect it and all that, cheaper to just write it off. Glad it worked out for you! I have always had great experiences with Kohl's customer service.
@jenx well I did have a bad experience with product from them before a few years ago, I got two of their big blankets for my kids, I washed them and they pilled like crazy and got fuzz everywhere, so I called to complained about it and they said there was nothing they could do about it. But I told them I bought tons of those blankets from them before and I never had this issue, it was just this one batch, I don't know what went on but I still have them sitting in my basement and there's still fuzz all over them. I'm just eventually going to throw them away, I just keep thinking I'll find some way to get all the fuzz off the blankets, but I'm not sitting there picking it all off. I was surprised then that they didn't send me new ones or something
That's basically my reaction I was like freaking out like no freaking way dude I cannot give this to my kid on Christmas like this, that look ridiculous