У сына пневмония: когда уже это закончится? Антибиотики не помогают, что делать? Иммунитет страдает!
My son still has pneumonia. Like when will it ever end, and just go away, he's been on so many different antibiotics now they just gave him one of the stronger ones. Poor kids immune system is going to be ruined.
I was reading an article that walking pneumo is going around bad at schools and daycares :( It's so stubborn because it just sits down there in the lung. I hope this antibiotic is the trick.
Oh his was worse than walking pneumonia, that's what they thought it was at first. He's actually doing better today. He's going back to school tomorrow though. His cough is almost gone at last and no more fever since yesterday. It must be the new antibiotic.