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I have 2 beautiful children that I love dearly! Will add more to this when I get the chance lol.


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Удаление желчного пузыря: как изменится питание после операции? Опыт и советы
Has anyone had their gallbladder removed? I have to get mine removed soon. Not sure if that will completely change my eating habits or if I have to cut out things that I like to eat. I’ve been feeling s***** since 2021. That’s when I started getting sharp pains on and off on the top right of the stomach and back accompanied by acid reflux, nausea, heart burn and constipation. One time I had to vomit really bad and it felt like the food was stuck in my throat. 😩
whereswaldo I’ve had mine removed. While yes some people have to change some of their diet I did
humblewarriormama My aunt had hers removed and had to make some dietary changes as well. I don’t know
m00my2five I had mine removed 4 months after my first pregnancy. The attacks were horrible! I went into
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Why do people cut me off when I express myself?
Feeling so worn out lately with little sleep, with all of my classes this semester, especially with the assignments. Then I have to deal with petty attitudes on top of that from a friend, a relative and my bf etc. 😭 F everyone. I care about how I feel not how they feel anymore lol. My so called friend pissed me off by throwing Micro aggressions at me a few weeks ago and I’m still pissed off about it that I just don’t feel like calling her to talk about it. It’s like talking to a wall. It doesn’t go anywhere. I never realized how racist some Latinos can be over here towards other Latinos, it’s insane. It’s like a South American thing vs a caribbean thing which is ridiculous because it shouldn’t be like that. That’s all I’ve been hearing lately and it’s annoying as hell or laughing at me when I speak Spanish because it’s not “proper Spanish”. No hun, Spain won’t let you sit at their table because you don’t speak proper Spanish either. 😂 Also you won’t get a seat at the nazi table if that’s what you are looking for. 🤡

Sorry I had to get that off my chest lol. I hate when I want to express myself and the people I try to say something to so I can let them know what they did or said was wrong, they cut me off or divert the attention to something else because they think they are in the right always. 🤮
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icebergahead Sounds like they have some brewing battles within them and carry it out negatively towards others. Classic
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Нашел странное на Amazon: искал украшения на Хэллоуин, а наткнулся на 'вырасти парня'! 😂
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The things I find on Amazon. 😂🤣
I was trying to look for Halloween decorations and ended up finding this thing called grow a boyfriend in the search results. Lmao
Was it awesome in Salem?
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I visited Salem last week. It was so awesome and beautiful. I wish I could live out there lol. Here are some pictures I took out there.
m00my2five So cool! I've never been before!
whereswaldo We love Salem!
metalcoremomx4 So awesome!!! 😍 I love it!!! I cant wait to go!!
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Am I being stepped on by my friends' significant others?
Do you have to deal with the awkwardness of a friends significant other possibly not liking you?

I have 2 male friends that it’s just so awkward when it comes to their gf. One of them I haven’t even met the girl because I get the feeling that she is jealous and she wants to kind of “keep” him to herself. He hasn’t been able to introduce any of his female friends to her yet so I’m already getting that vibe from her and they have been together for a year and a half already.

My other friend has been with his gf for 5 years and I’ve only met her once. Every time I try doing plans to hang out with her, she makes it really weird for example, when I spoke to her recently I asked her if she wanted to hang out on the weekend and she said no let’s hang out in 2 months. That was just weird because this girl isn’t busy, she doesn’t have children or a job at the moment so she has free time. I took the in 2 months thing as basically, I don’t want to hang out with you. I feel like I just got fed up with trying to be nice to friends significant others because I don’t have time for their flakiness. I’m trying to be nice and plan something but they are acting immature. What’s strange too is that they are both much older than me so I guess it could be a competition thing they see which I’m not trying to do. I just thought that it would be nice to get to know them. I feel like the older I’m getting, I’m tried of trying to be nice. F people lol seriously you try to be nice and you get stepped on or not taken seriously. The sad reality of this is that if both of my friends end up marrying their gfs, the friendships may not last. They have controlling gfs. I also understand that sometimes people apply rules to their relationships and that’s fine and I understand the feeling of jealousy because I would feel like that too if my bf would have had female friends but I would have wanted to get to know them if it happened like that. The thing is I feel like it helps if a woman knows what kind of man she will be involved with. For example, if a woman doesn’t want a man to have friends of the opposite sex then that is ok and if a woman is completely fine with a man having friends that is fine too. What I think maybe hectic on my friends relationships is that their gfs don’t accept their bf’s friends. They probably want to move their bf’s away from friends, kind of like how a controlling guy wants his gf to be away from their family or friends kind of thing. That’s the way I see it from my perspective. They probably don’t know this and may get offended if I mention it but I get this vibe with their relationships and they are in love with their gfs, so in a way I feel bad if it works out for them but they may have to leave their friends and family behind. That may be a possibility which would suck but I’m just gonna have to accept that. I knew one of them for 10 years and the other one since high school.
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icebergahead I am always open to communications. For example, when I speak to my male friend whom moved
bigfatpigswithakingkong They both hang out with me without their gfs. I think they realize that this meet up
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Вакцинация от оспы обезьян и её последствия
So I ended up getting the monkey pox vaccine. I’m not playing around with that virus lol. That s*** leaves scars. I don’t want my face getting messed up no way. Those marks look as big as quarters. The thing is when I tell people I got the shot they think I must be a giant hoe. 😂🤣 My life isn’t exciting like that lol. I’m just doing it to protect myself especially since I have to go back to school in a week, you never know who has that crap and could spread it around campus and in the classrooms. I don’t want to get sneezed on or someone’s arm rub against mine and then they have that s***. Nope. So far there are over 2,000 cases and I heard that 9 children have it so far and 2 women. This is not a gay virus like the news is claiming. It’s just spreading faster through sexual contact but there are several ways to catch it. I hope this won’t be in my sons school. I heard that if someone suffers from eczema that your flairs will get worse if you get the monkey pox. My son has eczema so I hope he never catches this nasty virus.
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momgroupreject There’s been 75 deaths world wide!
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Polio outbreak: concerns and warnings
Found this from an article online. What in the heck is going on lately. 😩
“There may be hundreds of people infected with polio, New York health officials warned.
It comes after the virus was detected in wastewater in two counties near New York City. Orange County and Rockland county.
Officials are warning all unvaccinated adults and children to get vaccinated against polio.”

Not even sure if I ever got vaccinated for it. I lost my records a long time ago. I was worrying about trying to get the damn monkey pox vaccine lol. Not sure about polio.

Unfortunately the city is only giving out the monkeypox vaccine to men from the gay community at the moment. People aren’t worrying about it because the stigma behind it. People are also trying to label monkey pox with stds when it’s a damn virus not an std. 🤦🏻‍♀️ There have been a few cases of children getting it and a woman who caught it as well. People are treating it like it’s the next hiv. The sexual contact is just a new way that monkey pox has been spreading. It sort of became weaponized in that way which is why it’s spreading faster but it’s still contagious through respiratory droplets, close contact with people, sharing blankets and stuff etc. I’m not even scared of Covid anymore. I don’t want marks on my body lol. This s*** looks like the damn bubonic plague. Such strange times we are living in. I should have ordered a gas mask like I wanted to a few years ago. 😂🤣 oh well. Just when I started wearing my mask less, now I have to start wearing it again.
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mswedes I grew up in rockland county. Unfortunately there is now a very big population in both orange
momgroupreject It wouldn’t hurt to get a titer test done to see if you have protection against it!
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Как не испортить разговор на вечеринке? Советы и примеры неудачных диалогов. Что делать, если все замолчали?
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This is a problem I do sometimes and end up regretting it afterwards. I’m great at f’ing up conversations for people at parties. Sometimes I think I may have something interesting to say but then everyone just stops talking and then I have to make an excuse to walk away. 😂🤣
What Became of the General Slocum Disaster?
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On the morning of June 15, 1904, 1,300 people boarded the General Slocum ship from east village Manhattan hoping to reach Long Island for a church picnic. The boat caught fire along the East River, causing many onboard to jump into the water near Hell Gate. Hell gate is a stretch of water within the east river that is considered as being one of the city's most turbulent, where many ships have crashed before. People had to jump off the ship to avoid getting burned to death. Unfortunately the majority of people ended up dying due to drowning and being trampled on. The victims were mostly women and children. These were families who went out for what was supposed to be a nice picnic day but ended up being a tragedy, while their husbands had to stayed behind for work. This affected the community back in the east village that was mostly a German population at the time. This is a disaster that is not really spoken about for possibly several reasons, the victims were from a lower social class unlike the Titanic where people were in the upper social classes and received national attention. Another reason this isn’t spoken about is because of the view of anti German since the first two world wars. In the end it was a horrible tragedy that almost wiped out a whole community leaving behind grieving fathers and husbands. Eventually people moved out of the east village and spread out to other parts of New York city. Before September 11, this was the worst tragedy in NYC.
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bigfatpigswithakingkong @icebergahead, did you know about this? I only found out about this 2 years ago. Nobody ever
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