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What do you take for baby when going out for about 6+ hours? I'm visiting my sister today and this the longest we will spend outside of home in a row. Should I take his changing bag?
ttcrainbowbaby @muffinmay oh yeah! Infacol! Thanks for reminding me. I'm just about to head out when I swear
ttcrainbowbaby @muffinmay that's so early for her to be teething! When did her first tooth come in?
muffinmay She still hasn't got one yet 😅😅😅 but we have 5/6 which are really close
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How many oz was your baby drinking at 5 weeks. My son is still only having around 3oz or less and he's 5 weeks 2 days.
ttcrainbowbaby @chesscalouise2 he's having 3oz around every 3/4 hours.
ttcrainbowbaby @laurabump27 Oh. That's OK the. I thought he was meant to be having 4oz plus by now.
laurabump27 They say 150ml per kg so work out what lo weighs in kg and times it by
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My precious baby boy Kiaan is 3 weeks today!😊
His newborn outfits are a perfect fit right now but he's growing up so fast!
arlosmomma Aww Arlo had that babygrow when he was born! Was gutted when he grew out of it
ttcrainbowbaby @shannonn95 Lol. I'm pretty sure I've seen it a few times on this app but it's too
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I posted earlier about my water breaking and was hoping for some advice... I haven't started contractions yet but am having period like cramping. For those women with experience, is this normal? TIA
ttcrainbowbaby @winterbaby95 lol. Ikr. I'm hoping at the very least I get a good night's rest tonight.
chamzy32 They will become 5min apart and last a min or so babes hope all goes well xx
mezaab Hey just viewed your posts. Really excited for you. Wish you a normal and smooth delivery.keep us
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