I posted earlier about my water breaking and was hoping for some advice... I haven't started contractions yet but am having period like cramping. For those women with experience, is this normal? TIA
Hey just viewed your posts. Really excited for you. Wish you a normal and smooth delivery.keep us updated. I will be rounding for you @ttcrainbowbaby, 😘
You've got lots of time until 5pm...A lot can change! Walk around...walk up and down stairs...squats... bounce :) or rest while you can...you'll need your energy xx
@ttcrainbowbaby Hmm do you have a ball ? Try squats and bouncing on the edge of your bed :) Just like me I was sent home..but then things were becoming abit more regular...I went in about 7 hours before I was to be induced..they ended up giving me a.stretch and sweep...Maybe if you want to avoid induction...you can do that? Xx