Hi everyone!

When and why did you move your baby to hungrier baby formula milk?

My baby boy is 19 days old and he's on Aptimil first milk. He's taking on average 2oz every 2 hours. Sometimes he'll be a bit hungrier and ill give him another oz and sonetimes he'll have a little less and be hungrier again in less than 2 hours. These last couple of days he's been having around 2oz and getting hungry in less than 2 hours. Sometimes in even an hour.
I don't mind feeding every 2 hours (or even less) during the day, but less than 2 hours is a bit much during the night.
I mentioned this to my sister who recommended that I either give him a dummy to extend the time between feeds so he drinks more when he feeds, or that I talk to the health visitor re moving baby on to hungry baby formula.
I tried the dummy with the baby,which
helps but not enough. I'm a bit apprehensive about changing formula since he's not even 3 weeks yet and while I will be speaking to my Healing visitor re the formula milk as soon as I can, I was wondering what everyone elses experience was.

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I put my daughter on hungry baby as she had 2oz every hour and it made her sick cos her little belly couldn't hold it all. She now feeds whenever she wants in the day (usually around 4/5hours) and sleeps for around 6 hours in the night between 9pm-3am ish and then hads 3oz and sleeps until 7, had 2oz and we get up at around 9.30 and she will have a 4/5oz bottle ready for the day x
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
I think Harvey was about 2 months when I put him on hungry baby as he was guzzling his bottles then wanting more xx
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Max fed exactly like this as a newborn. I just fed him on demand. He'd have around 3oz then often want another 1 or 2oz an hour or 2 later. I definitely wouldn't advice hungry milk at this age. Their meant to feed often day & night. As they begin to differentiate between night & day they'll start to develop more of a pattern with feeds. I did debate hungry milk when he was around 5 or 6weeks but he started to settle around 7weeks.
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
And feeds all day between 3 & 4 oz every 2 hours. Midwife told me feed on demand must b a boy thing xc
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
My little boy is 4 month and he is the same midwife told me to try a bit of orange juice in bottle but I'm still giving him way he needs he doesn't cry x
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
My son used to take 2oz then the 1oz an hour later
Hes still only so small his belly cant prob cope with the 3oz at once.
When ever he wants a feed in the day give him it even if its a oz here and there.
You would prob find that he sleeps better in the night as you have fed him up in the day. By 4-5 weeks you9 will see a patt as my 5 weeks old goes 3 hours in the day 5-6oz then at night he has his 6 oz after his bath 7-8 bed by 9 awake by 1 5oz then sleeps till 6 (6 oz ) till 8.30 so its every 4 hours. I know your really tired but give it time it will get better. Your baby doesnt know if its day or night yet. :) xxx
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
It sounds like he is hungry hun. Have you tried giving him 3 or 4oz at once and seeing how that goes? I'd maybe see how that would go for a few days and if it's still the same try the hungry milk. I gave it to luke for a couple of weeks and I just switched straight to it as they were both still aptamil. But I'd say gradually starting with morning and bedtime bottles xx
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
He might just be one of them babies that have a little break, they do go through a growth spurt round this age too, have you tried winding him in between oz cause he might have trapped wind and not want to take anymore due to that, all you can do really is phone your health visitor and see what she says
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
@gabilicious I try to predict how much he'll drink and tend to, more often than not, make more than he drinks (usually make 3oz and he drink 2oz or less). Very rarely I'll make 2 oz and he'll finish that so I'll make another oz straight away and then he'll drink a lil more but not all of that. If he was drinking more I'd happily give it tbh.
I fed him around 5 am (just before making this post and he drank just under 2oz (I made 3oz) and he's already hungry. I've given him a dummy while I wait for the milk to cool down but he's still crying 🙈. Honestly I don't know what to do. Any advice is welcome.
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
Personally to me it doesn't sound like he needs hungrier baby milk, he's very little and is bound to feed often, up his milk by an oz or two for his feeds and see how he goes he might be going through a growth spurt and is needing more x
25.05.2017 Нравится Ответить
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