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Прекратила грудное вскармливание: как справиться с депрессией после 20 месяцев? Гормоны и опыт
Just stopped breastfeeding after 20 months and I feel soooo low & depressed. Can anyone share their experience and how long it lasts and possible remedies? Hormones are everywhere
beebeejgill Try therapy/ antidepressants xx
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Ребенок 10 месяцев просыпается каждый час! Что делать, если грудное вскармливание и болят соски?
I feel like I am going mad!! My baby is 10 months old and still wakes up every hour. She is breast fed and my boobs are so sore. Don't know what to do!! Please can anyone help me xxx
justmylife I would give formula before bed :)
ms_lizzy This happened to a friend of my mine, so she literally only did bottle at bed it
theodoresmammy My first woke every 40 minutes until he was 18 months, I introduced a bottle before bed
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Ребенок 8 месяцев не садится самостоятельно: стоит ли волноваться? Опыт с первым ребенком и советы
Guys my little girl is 8 month old. She will be 9 months old in 12 days. She still doesn't sit up independently. If I position her sitting, she might sit up for 2 seconds then fall back. When she wants a toy, she shuffles and crawls. Should I be concerned? My son was able to sit up by 8 months old very confidently.

Thank you xx
kelsey234 No way, girls are normally way slower to develop physcially this is absolutely normal xx
anne1991 i wouldnt worry hunni as the other ladies have said all babies are diffrent iv only ever
theodoresmammy I felt like this with my second because her brother did things so early. She didn't sit
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Грудное вскармливание ночью: как отучить ребенка 8 месяцев? Советы и опыт!
Hi ladies,

I wondered if you could help me. My little girl is 8 months old and during the day she is pretty much formula fed but after 5pm she wants breast milk. She uses breast milk to fall asleep and she sucks on my breasts most of the night. I'm not sure whether it's hunger or comfort. I have tried so many different things like getting her dad to comfort her or giving her the dummy or formula at night but it's not working. Please let me know if you have any suggestions. Thank you
ms_lizzy I never breastfed but she used to suck on the bottle for comfort placing her tongue on
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Дочка 7 месяцев: как отучить от постоянного внимания мамы? Советы, чтобы оставить с другими без слез
My 7 month old daughter is so clingy! She always wants me. I literally left her with my sister in law for one hour and she cried her eyes out. At first she was ok but then 10-15 mins later she was crying on and off. Has anyone got any suggestions to help her and leave her for a few hours without her crying ??
kelsey234 😂😂😂 how funny I was literally just moaning about my 8 month old being like this and
ms_lizzy I was told about the wonder weeks and development leaps. Its anxiety separation. I had the app,
cheryl123 I have an 8 year old like this 🙄
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Кто-нибудь давал детям жевательные витамины? Какие отзывы?
Anyone give their Child the gummy vitamins ? Are they any good ? Xx
theodoresmammy I give them to Theo :) we've never had any issues with them and he actually enjoys
jodie1809 We give the boys them, still give them fruit and veg but just gives them a boost.
ms_lizzy Yes i do, we use the Asda ones She was really poorly on and off last year
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Что делать, если ребёнок просыпается каждые 1-2 часа ночью?
Wondering if anyone can help. My 7 month old wakes up nearly every 1-2 hours at night for a feed. She is breastfeed. It's actually effecting me mentally now. Wondering if anyone has any suggestions? Xx
beebeejgill If its effecting you mentally then stop breast feeding 😊 best advice you can get hun xx
beebeejgill Maya was the same until 2.5years old 💜so i feel you completely. That's why i stopped in
theodoresmammy My little one woke every hour until he was 18 months, it is so difficult! I ended
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Guys I really need some advice little boy is 3 yrs old and will only use a dummy at night to fall asleep. Today we saw the dentist and he said to stop it because it effects the jaw. How can I reduce it and is this true in your experience?? Xxx
karla22 Cold turkey is the way! It can be hard but totally worth it. Easier said than done
aleksandravolkova1693 Hey, yes it is true it can affect babys jaw and the way teeth can grow he
kerryy23 Definitely cold turkey. Just take them away and don't give them back. We took them away from
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