Ребенок 10 месяцев просыпается каждый час! Что делать, если грудное вскармливание и болят соски?

I feel like I am going mad!! My baby is 10 months old and still wakes up every hour. She is breast fed and my boobs are so sore. Don't know what to do!! Please can anyone help me xxx

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My first woke every 40 minutes until he was 18 months, I introduced a bottle before bed and it made zero difference. It may work for some babies, but not all.

He started sleeping better when I moved him into his own room. I also stopped being the one to comfort him at night, I used to send his dad in 😬 it took three nights but he did start sleeping 7-3. At around a week he was sleeping 7-7.

I hope you find something that works for you guys! 🤞
12.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
This happened to a friend of my mine, so she literally only did bottle at bed it was hard at first because of the attachment but she was adamant no more boob at bedtime! Maybe give it a try to help x
12.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
I would give formula before bed :)
12.06.2022 Нравится Ответить
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