bye bitches.
United States, Ohio


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how long will it take for my baby's butt not to be raw anymore. I feel bad for him. he's in pain
motherlotus And pineapple is high in acidity so I'd be aware of that
byebltches @motherlotus, yeah it was his first time eating them :( I didn't know that about parents choice
kmharr3 Yeah I would just use a warm wash Cloth, & I've never had a problem with Huggie
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my son's butt is raw and I have no idea how. he hasn't had diahrea.
lovemylittlefamily Probably a couple days, depending in how bad it is. baby powder or diaper rash cream should
byebltches I put Zguard on and loads of powder hoping thatd cote it for the night :( I
byebltches @lovemylittlefamily,
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what do I do if my baby daddy isn't going to agree to sign papers to give this baby up for adoption?
momtothe3rdpower I'd ask a lawyer and then start looking for a family. If you find a nice suitable
byebltches @babymaciesmomma, I know adoption is really hard but at least I'd know that they'd be well taken
momtothe3rdpower Yeah you wouldn't wanna give dad custody just to have the baby end up in shitty foster
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corinalopez @hayhayes1, so gross tastes like rubbing alcohol 😷 I like Stella rosa it's cheep and tastes good
njja53 that's my favorite wine and this going to be me also I'm going to be pregnant on
byebltches @njja53, lmao I didn't even know we could have alcohol in the hospital. let alone on the
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should he put his siblings and parents first before his kid and girlfriend/baby momma?
chibiytino I'm not sure what your asking but I'm having problems with my boyfriend on something like that
sandycheeks no. when he makes his own family y'all should come first.
scc2413 Once he becomes a father, his girlfriend/wife and kids should always come first and I'd hope his
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last question for the night, sorry yall. what age did you let your little ones stay the night at your babys dads house? (if yall separated when the baby was a newborn)
halliekay we got regular overnights with my stepdaughter when she was 8 months. i think it started with
byebltches @haileyjane03, like staying the night? I let him visit him solo all the time. it's inconsistent I
bekka1071 my son is seven months and im going through court too. not a chance my son will
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