@motherlotus, yeah it was his first time eating them :( I didn't know that about parents choice I only used it because it was close by those times I noticed I had to change is diaper. generally use pampers sensitive. but thank you @kmharr3 should I just use a wet cloth instead of any wipes until it's better?
I wouldn't use any powder, just a diaper cream high in zinc oxide and leave his diaper off so it can air dry. if it isn't cleared up in the next day or two then I would make an appointment. make sure the wipes are fragrance free
@kmharr3, parent choice but only used them like for 2 or 3 diaper changes.. that's why I'm so lost.. I'm putting diaper cream and loads of powder on his butt.. Idk if that'll help but... :( I'm thinking about taking him to the doc tomorrow. Idk if him eating Pineapple for the first time could of done that too but Idk he hasn't had Diarra. maybe has only pooped once today..
I'll do that and let it air dry @kmharr3 no rash like bumps it's like his skin is raw...
like the wipes did something to his skin like burned it or something :(
does he have a rash? are you airing out his bottom by leaving his diaper off for periods of time during the day? I would use some Coconut oil or a diaper cream high in zinc like the equate brand, and let his booty air dry, lay down a towel though. should only take a day or two to heal