last question for the night, sorry yall. what age did you let your little ones stay the night at your babys dads house? (if yall separated when the baby was a newborn)
@haileyjane03, like staying the night? I let him visit him solo all the time. it's inconsistent I wish we had set days but. I won't leave him over night
we got regular overnights with my stepdaughter when she was 8 months. i think it started with every other Wednesday, with her at our house every other day, 3hrs on week days, 12 on weekends. when she turned 1 we started every tuesday and thursday and every other weekend.
you can file for alternate service. it will be posted in the news paper and on the court wall and will count as him being "served". then you file for default judgement and if he doesn't show up to the hearing you get what you want
@doritas1986, yeah we are off and on so we don't live together. just the courts visitations for a infant is like 3 visits a week or whatever and no sleep overs til like 1 or 2
@ariamommy_, yeah we've stayed the night there. it's just every time he wakes up randomly his dad seemed to never get up I still do. but he doesn't do it often.
It's all about how you feel and what makes you comfortable. I'd start off by staying the night with your baby and go from there. If you feel like you need a break and he can do it by himself go for it
@ariamommy_, my baby is 7 months old and I still haven't let him sleep over at his dads. mind you, he was in the nicu for 5 months. so he's only been home for like 3 months. going on 4. so I just don't know when's normal to let that happen. I was going through courts and the courts don't believe they should sleep over til they are 1 or 2. so I just needed opinions he's dodging papers and hasn't been served and hardly gives me money so I was just wondering. and he always asks him to sleep at his house but I say no every time... and if he does stay over I do too.