United States, New York, Inwood
Walking towards Victory with Jesus and my 2 little girls let him lead my way and speak wisdom and straight full of his armer and shield around us


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Что такое Really !?
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Really !
ksmommyx3 Just call the attendance office
icebergahead Usually calling or texting them directly to the attendance line.
jaymeerene Are you looking to just report the absence or get it excused? It can only be considered
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Дочка 5 лет устраивает истерики: кидает вещи, крушит дом. Как быть, если чувствую себя в аду?
When my five year old is mad she throw stuff and insists on her way and punished me by messing up trashing the whole house i feel like i live in hell her dad was abusive he always make sure he tells me to be pacient not yell and literally basically not disaplin her. I dont wanna deal with his crazy ass and sadly stuck with him through her and she is very difficult to handle. I feel overwhelmed
jenx I would definitely reach out for professional help for her to be able to manage her emotions
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Самый лучший подарок - быть мамой! Но как правильно вести по жизни? Советы и рекомендации!
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The biggest gift is being thier mommy, the hardest part is stearing the wheel ! Making sure the road i turn to is in the best intrest of all !
Что такое missed miscarage?
Did you girls know that you can have a miscsrsge without it actually falling out ? Its called a missed miscarage. Its like no heart beat but its still inside. I was 11 weeks but the fetus was messuring 6 weeks. So i been carring a dead fetus around for 6 weeks without knowing it.
jenx I am so sorry. It's a miserable loss, I have been there. When they told me they
bsandra I’m sorry mama😔 hugs🫂
mujerstillregal I know I haven't been the most supportive, but I am so very for your loss. I
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Что думаете, мамочки: обсуждение мудрости и советов для мам – делимся опытом?
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Putting this out here for discussion moms of wisdom what do ya think
bodybycheetos I think that if you aren’t both involved in this time of your babies journey, and if
blessedmotherof1 Is this ur ex baby daddy or the guy ur pregnant by
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