When my five year old is mad she throw stuff and insists on her way and punished me by messing up trashing the whole house i feel like i live in hell her dad was abusive he always make sure he tells me to be pacient not yell and literally basically not disaplin her. I dont wanna deal with his crazy ass and sadly stuck with him through her and she is very difficult to handle. I feel overwhelmed
jenx I would definitely reach out for professional help for her to be able to manage her emotions
Did you girls know that you can have a miscsrsge without it actually falling out ? Its called a missed miscarage. Its like no heart beat but its still inside. I was 11 weeks but the fetus was messuring 6 weeks. So i been carring a dead fetus around for 6 weeks without knowing it.
jenx I am so sorry. It's a miserable loss, I have been there. When they told me they