Kaylee Thredgold
United States, Utah, Kaysville


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Breastfeeding mamas when should I start pumping my boobies hurt so bad I need help.
amandamduval Here’s an example of foods but oatmeal is cheap I eat a lot of that.
samg. The Kelly mom website is a great resource. You can take Aleve if it’s very painful. If
boymama523 Push through mama, don’t stop breastfeeding! Keep going and I promise it will get better! If you
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So I have a barely 2 second degree tear. They said I have like 3 or 4 stiches. What is the likely hood of me tearing my stiches? Just from walk, standing, you know normal stuff. Cause I'm so scared of that 😨
jessicalaneee Trust me you'll know. Mine tore with my youngest because my oldest decided to go through my
youngmommy18 I was scared of that too just don’t to a lot of activity of course don’t push
kaitlinl20 Watch out the 3rd day i thought i was gonna die it hurt so bad to even
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How to Tell the Difference Between Cramps and Contractions?
So I got a membrane sweep today and you know my doctor told me that I would start cramping and probably have some bleeding well I did start cramping. But what if some of these cramps are contractions and I just don't know it. How do you guys know the difference between the two.
marandaskyee Hours after my membrane sweep they started off feeling like cramps but then I started bleeding lost
amandamduval Honestly after my sweep I had cramps which I found out later were contractions but they didn’t
mommakuala For me, I can tell the pains are contractions by the way my stomach. If you feel
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