Push through mama, don’t stop breastfeeding! Keep going and I promise it will get better! If you pump your body will think your baby needs more and you’ll make more leading to more engorgement or plugged ducts which is more painful. Hand express in the shower if you need to but let the baby regulate what she needs!
The Kelly mom website is a great resource. You can take Aleve if it’s very painful. If you need to pump, just pump enough to be a little more comfortable. Also if you are too engorged baby will have a tough time latching so pumping a little helps to soften the breast a bit. It’s all supply and demand so if you pump too much then your body will supply more which will create an over supply and it’s a vicious cycle.
I pumped a few times because it backed up into my arm pit type of feeling with lumps on side, I massaged out those lumps. But then I discovered the haaka thanks to people here and I stopped. Just put that on one boob while baby uses the other and save the milk from that boob (it’s usually at least a bottle 2 ounces is what my baby drank in the first week basically) after 2 weeks my supply lowered and I got scared but I eat more breastfeeding friendly foods and drink a fenugreek shake it helps
Milk production is all about supply and demand, so the more you pump the more you’ll produce. If you need some relief you can try a hot shower or a heating pad (you’ll want to have on nursing pads). This will help relieve some of the pressure without stimulating your body to make more. I didn’t start pumping until my son was 5-6 weeks old.
If you start too soon you may end up feeling worse when you're dealing with over supply. It's recommended to wait.
This is a great site for reference. ссылка
I believe right away is best. It helps with losing weight, and relieves you when they’re engorged, and you can always freeze excess milk. Pumping helps keeps the milk coming in as well so asap. My daughter stopped latching two days after she was born so I started pumping right away and feeding it to her in a bottle.