Kaylee Thredgold
Kaylee Thredgold
Well i think me and Talia figured out our latest breastfeeding problem. :) Yay! She just ate for 10 min on the left and 10 mins on the right before she passed out. I only thing is she is really hard to wake up but changing her seems to do the trick if she won't walk up. Really hope she gain her weight back by the 24th (2 week appt) cause she was in the 14th percentile..

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Does she unlatch after 10 minutes or are you unlatching her? It’s best to leave her on the first breast for as long as she wants so she can get the fatty hind milk. That means only feeding her on 1 side if you have a good supply. Use the other side for the next feeding.
With my daughter I used one side per feeding for the first 5 months. With my son it was for 8 months.
17.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
She unlatched so I figured it was done or it was "empty" but I'll make sure to stay to one side.
17.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Ok if she unlatched on her own then I guess she got enough, it just seems really fast for a 6 day old. Usually they nurse longer in the beginning until they get more efficient which is after the first few months.
17.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
Was she jaundice at all?
17.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
I’m no pro by all means but it’s best to drain one boob first then offer the other one after then the next feed start with the last one you offered if that makes sense otherwise they don’t get the fatty milk xx
17.01.2019 Нравится Ответить
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