United States, Texas, Denton


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just found out i’ve been making his bottles wrong the whole time. i thought 2oz was half a scoop. and 4oz was one scoop. 😭i feel so aweful. i’ve been wondering why it seems he’s always hungry after 2hrs
melissa_luv228 Be careful with that. Babies that young can get water poisoning from watered down formula. If try
lavender13 @melissa_luv228, oh wow i didn’t know that 😔 i know how much powder to put in now
modom16 @lavender13, oh wow glad you figured it out now though! I agree with letting your pedi know,
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any advice on co-parenting with someone when yall cant get along. he doesn’t have any rights but im trying not to be the girl that keeps a guy from their son. but there’s just so much conflict and disrespect even when i was pregnant. sometimes i want to just give up and block him
lavender13 @masseymomma16, texas just favors mothers. and with everything hes done it would be understandable if i just
massmomma16 @lavender13, that's just crazy to me! But yes you're doing right thing for your baby and that's
lavender13 @masseymomma16, thank you. im trying my best (:
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how long after u filed did you get your tax return in the mail? i filed april 14 n im still waiting. hopefully any day now 😩really need it
lavender13 @ailurophiliac, of course i did lol ah okay thank you
hamccright77 We filed Jan. 30th, got a letter March 16th stating they were reviewing it & had 60
lavender13 @hamccright77, oh my goodness 😩
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actually cleaned while my baby was asleep instead of just sleeping or laying with him 💁🏾‍♀️😎its kind of a big deal
queen-mommy Lol right ! When my kids take a nap idk if I should be resting too or
lavender13 @sgoodbeir, i always say im resting when really im just avoiding cleaning lol
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my son loves watching the ceiling fan go around lol hes so entertained
courtney5610 My daughter is the same way
viivii. My son was the same way Whenever he would cry I would turn the fan on and
lavender13 @vivi.luvs.abisai, thats not a bad idea lol
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