JessTaylor G
United States, New Jersey


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Has anyone’s LO been diagnosed with croup and not given any medication for them? I took my daughter on monday and she has croup. The dr said the steroid and breathing treatment isn’t “proven to work”. I’m not sure I agree but i’m not a doctor
sweetpeaflower Yes, but we end up up in the ER and I wouldn’t leave without it. I’ve been
missheatherbaby We always have got the steroid and breathing treatment and more medication to do with the nebulizer
mimixtmn My son had it in June and no medication was needed. They told me if he was
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Has anyone here ever been diagnosed with lymes disease? what were some of your symptoms?
coffeebean My daughter was. She was sleepy & complaining her head & neck hurt all day & by
bill_nye_the_russian_spy Yes I had it for years I was 16 I didn’t know untill my knee got huge
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How to Handle Aggressive Behavior in Toddlers?
Hey y’all. So my daughter is 18 months old (adjusted at a little over 16 months). I’m a full time nanny and I bring my daughter with me. the girl i watch is also 16 months. The situation is great and my daughter has learned a lot from her already. But the girl is really not nice to her. She’s not nice to her brother either. All day long she’s taking things away from my daughter, she hits her, pulls her clothing until she falls on the ground, she grabs her skin and her hair and pulls her. She threw toys at her head last week and gave her a bruise. I’ve told the parents and they’ve seen it happen to. But nothing has changed. She doesn’t listen and when she gets yelled at it makes her want to do it more. They want me to put her on the couch and make her stay there when she’s in trouble. I suggested the crib but they want that to be her safe place so I respect that and don’t put her in there for time out. but she doesn’t stay on the couch. I’ll yell at her, put her there and tell her to stay and she will immediately get back up and come back over and hit again. I don’t know what to do because the job is really great that they’re the same age but I can honestly see my daughter getting really hurt one day. I understand a lot of it has to do with the age, but my daughter isn’t doing any of this to any other child
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monstermommax3 At this age this is how to do it. You don’t yell. You sit the child down.
eatmyassfromtheback-kthanks What she is doing is normal for her age. Being yelled at is a big no. You
thebthatdontcare I agree she doesn’t understand yet I would sit her down and stay there with her and
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