Has anyone gotten fifths disease from a child before? Or know anything about it? The kid I nanny for has it (was taken to the dr on monday and diagnosed) This time last week I was having really bad hip and lower back pain and overall not feeling great (honestly thought I was pregnant) and then all week i’ve had weird leg pain and headaches, feeling a little sick. Today I looked at my legs and they are blotchy red all over. i’ll post a pic. hard to see because my skin tone but it’s definitely not normal. also itchy. i’ve been exhausted too. Google says adults have more severe flu like symptoms and achy joints. My knees are killing me today and 2 days ago my boyfriend started complaining about really bad back and body pain. Said he felt like he had the flu but it wasn’t that.
My daughter literally just got this as of today, her cheeks were extremely red, literally looking like someone slapped her on both sides. As of now I don’t have any signs or symptoms of it so I’m hoping it doesn’t transfer over somehow.
that’s what the boy i watch had! it says for adults they rarely will get the red cheeks but will get flu like symptoms and bad joint pain! hoping you don’t get it mama
@jtaylorg, ugh I’m seriously hoping not either!! I’m glad we found out when we did though because we almost had a cookout tomorrow & my SIL was coming whose pregnant & it’s severely dangerous for pregnant women to get this. So I’m glad we know!