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I need to stop swaddling my babygirl and move her to the crib...any tips? She sleeps through the night right now and i dont want her to stop 😩😩😩
_sheriee Look up "super swaddle" on YouTube it's harder for her to get out of. We used is
jcandbabye @_sheriee she cant break out of her swaddle im just worried about her rolling in it.
heidi3581 @jcandbabye, yeah but it still helped
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Trying to lose weight. Anytips for losing a lot of weight?
momto3boys I've cut soda out and I've lost weight. 2 hours a week I run(soccer coach) and it
taylor.legend Look into the keto diet, I eat all the bacon I want haha.
del_1519095411_caseysmommy92 Only drini water. No juice or soda and just cut yur portions down. Eat half of what
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Any moms with tips for reflux. My 3 month old still spits up SOOO MUCH! At least an oz of formula comes out when shes done eating and then over the next hour or 2 it seems like she spits up the rest of the bottle. Shes on Enfamil AR, I burb her inbetween each oz and she takes Zantac.
del_1531324895_girlmom. @bhtslove, my daughter also has to see a specialist. But like you said everyone is different. You
reemomoftwo Also get a wedge from amazon place in baby crib so baby is on an incline
jcandbabye @kkmamax2 @mathews132 @bhtslove @callme2reesmamiof2 She sleeps in a rock and play right now next to me so
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