Monique 😘
United States, New York


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You can come any minute now 😩 Ant advice how to get this baby going? Yes I know it will happen when my body wants to. But can’t I give it alittle push? Lol
danielsmomma @takesma, 😂😂😂 yes need to be out by the end of the week preferably today thank you
danielsmomma @takesma, did your water break or crontractions started?
takesma @danielsmomma contractión started and my qater was bulging when I madre it to the hospital. I walked
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And it begins past few days people keep messaging me asking if baby has arrived or when is he coming 🤦🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️ I don’t know stop asking me. Can’t be surprised if I start to be rude after I ignore your messages and you keep writing me. That shit pisses me of. Leave me alone!
tibi2696 @danielsmomma I made the mistake of letting family post about it so all my friends were texting
danielsmomma @tibi2696, yea it’s annoying you think people understand give you space. I told close family ahead they
tibi2696 @danielsmomma I'll let people take pictures if they want but they'll know weeks ahead of time that
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I’m miserable another night no sleep please lord bring this baby into this world today🙏🏽 I mentally and physically can’t do this no more 😩 okay I know dramatic but it hurts so bad he just feels like he’s about to pop out any second all the time 😭
mommyof2girlz You can do it mama! I'm right here in the same boat as you!
danielsmomma @gracelynnsmama, 😩😩😩 I keep thinking I’m going into labor with these Braxton Hicks and then it’s like
mommyof2girlz @danielsmomma, I never went into labor with my first. I had an emergency c section with my
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