I’m miserable another night no sleep please lord bring this baby into this world today🙏🏽 I mentally and physically can’t do this no more 😩 okay I know dramatic but it hurts so bad he just feels like he’s about to pop out any second all the time 😭
@danielsmomma, I never went into labor with my first. I had an emergency c section with my daughter at 34 weeks with complications. So it's all new to me. The last few days I've had on and off contractions (more than Braxton hicks).
I have hypertension and yesterday besides being up all night with on and off contractions; I was throwing up; seeing stars. I had an appointment anyways yesterday morning. So my husband took the day off to take me so I wasn't driving. He also used to be an EMT so he had a million questions for the ob 😂
I have a scheduled c section on Tuesday. No signs of preeclampsia or being dilated yet. My bp wasn't overly high when I was there. Just told to take it easy til then. The stars the ob is relating to throwing up and being a bit dehydrated from it.
@gracelynnsmama, 😩😩😩 I keep thinking I’m going into labor with these Braxton Hicks and then it’s like nope just kidding then comes back. I don’t remember it being this bad with my son
I have hypertension and yesterday besides being up all night with on and off contractions; I was throwing up; seeing stars. I had an appointment anyways yesterday morning. So my husband took the day off to take me so I wasn't driving. He also used to be an EMT so he had a million questions for the ob 😂
I have a scheduled c section on Tuesday. No signs of preeclampsia or being dilated yet. My bp wasn't overly high when I was there. Just told to take it easy til then. The stars the ob is relating to throwing up and being a bit dehydrated from it.