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6 week old formula fed. Isn't pooping, it's been over 12 hours and last time he pooped it was diarrhea. Any ideas on what to do? Calling doctor in morning
mdg8829 it's normal for babies to go a day or two without pooping. if he is fussy and
spacekitty0426 my doc told me when they aren't pooping try taking their temp, a bit of vasoline. it
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Who cosleeps? I have a 5 week old and am cosleeping but am paranoid about it constantly lol. But otherwise momma gets zero sleep if he's in bassinet. He doesn't sleep at all and is fussy
carlisjaxsonsmommy12 I think that's the reason I moved my daughter in bed with me! lol I didn't remember
jjones my son is 3 weeks old and we have been co sleeping since we came home. I
mommyof2boys248 I did it with both my boys...but I put them in their crib next to me sometimes
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What to do for constipation in newborns? He is on formula mainly
missing402user I gave my son water/juice mix, and he's perfectly fine :) the only problem I ever had
ash1987 you might need to change his formula. my oldest had an issue with Gerber formula making her
jennie825 my mom always had me put a tablespoon of clear karo in the bottle when the baby
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Any formula moms? How much was normal for a 3 week old to consume?
nini2015 Why was the doc mad at you? Did he think t was too much or too little?
missing402user his exact words were "that's a generous amount to give a 3 week old" but the doctor
nini2015 My little guy eats 3 oz every 2 hours or so,in the hospital at 2 days old
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When did you mommas lift car seat with baby in it after c section?
nini2015 Was it obvious when it happneed? I'm so scared to rip mine lol! @sandycheeks yes that isn't
sandycheeks yeah it was i kept feeling pulling really bad then one day it felt like a pop
missing21user About two weeks after.
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Any mommas crazy constipated and pressure a week after c section
nini2015 I wasn't sure if the constipation was normal.
brwneydgirly25 it's completely normal. pain meds cause constipation.. dont forget to keep taking the stool softener.. I was
nini2015 I think I'm going to get off of the pain meds as much as possible to try
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What were your doctors instructions about driving after c section
mommyandbriston 2 weeks. But I drove after a week
nini2015 Did you carry baby and car seat then as well? @monmyandbriston
lady.lioness07 After delivery whether vaginal or by cesarean it's no driving for at least 2 weeks.
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How long would you ladies say it took to feel better after c section?
prettyperly82 @nini2015, I don't really take my pain meds . but I sure feel it sometimes specially when
nini2015 You took it off yourself? @prettyperly82
prettyperly82 yeah I did but I made sure it wasn't hurting anymore and they smelled bad so I
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