United States, Waukegan
19 years old a first time mom (:


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Does anybody smoke weed & breastfeed ?
renaldoswife I'm a weed smoker myself but didn't smoke while I was breastfeeding I just couldn't. I breastfed
missing119user @renaldoswife, I agree. I don't care if anyone smokes weed, I just think it defeats the purpose
renaldoswife @boymama, exactly and I've been a smoker for almost 10 years already but I have two kids
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Is Yerba Buena Tea Safe for Baby's Gas and Upset Stomach?
Can I give my baby Yerba buena tea for gas & upset stomach ?
ariela23 I would say apple tea is better 😱
mamachaos ditto on the gripe water! works amazing. best brand is mommy's bliss
vvaldez Yeeeees!! Yerba buena is very helpfully I would mix it in with his formula. It relived him
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Does anyone sleep with their baby ? My baby is about to be a month & she's been sleeping with me sometimes since she's been about 2 weeks old . I bring her into my bed to
Breastfeed & we both fall asleep
maryjadee @rlcorreia123, @morgan_colangelo I don't think it's bad either my mom usta do the same thing . I
rlcorreia123 I agree. my baby definantly sleeps better, and is more comforted, as am I. @maryjadee
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So my baby has jaundice & the doctor wants me to formula feed her for 3-5 days. but all I have is a manual pump is that good enough to keep my supply up in till I can breast feed her again?
maryjadee idn when we were in the hospital doing phototherapy they encouraged breastfeeding but then my doctor said
brittanygary My son had jaundice and you can definitely breastfeed. You can tell them no and say you
mimibaby My son did have Jaundice and his doctor never asked me to stop breastfeeding him till it
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Where can I get mothers milk tea ?
maryjadee @juliagail09, how much does it cost ?
juliagail09 i think it was like 4 to 6 bucks. i cant remember for sure.
maryjadee how many were in the box?
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I need help 😞 I'm breast feeding & I pump with a manual pump every other day or so just to see if I'm producing enough milk & all I get is a little over 2 ounces D; . My baby is a week & 5 days old at first it was enough but I can tell she needs more & more & my body isn't cooperating what should I do ?
adamsmaaa I didn't recieve it yet. I'm using my sisinlaws evenflo pump for now and only getting 2-4
adamsmaaa @mrs.oliva, I usually pump 2oz each pumping session but the tea helps me pump 4-5 when I
lajo The more you pump the more you produce. Every few hours to begin with until you produce
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