Does anyone sleep with their baby ? My baby is about to be a month & she's been sleeping with me sometimes since she's been about 2 weeks old . I bring her into my bed to
Breastfeed & we both fall asleep

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I agree. my baby definantly sleeps better, and is more comforted, as am I. @maryjadee
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
@rlcorreia123, @morgan_colangelo I don't think it's bad either my mom usta do the same thing . I don't always sleep with her only sometimes but I noticed she's more calm when she sleeps with me , when she sleeps in her bassinet she wakes up more often I think it conforts her . I move my pillows away from her to the end of the bed & sleep with a lite blanket but I never cover her with mine I cover her with one of hers & I have a queen sized bed so I lay her down & put a big enough space between us so I don't roll over on her I sleep better that way too
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
i have co slept with my now 11 month old baby all along from day one. I think it's a great bonding experience. It's also much less traumatic to baby then being shoved into a big crib after they've been in the womb for 9 months. I am tired of seeing co- sleep slander. Instead of fear mongering parents who decide to co sleep, we need to enforce safe sleep practices. if you had even one drink, do not put that baby in bed with you. if you are over tired. once again, don't do it. also don't sleep with big pillows or heavy blankets if you are going to have your baby in bed with you. don't put baby on the outside edge of the bed either. you know all common sense stuff. also, boston childrens hospital has been doing research on children and babies that have died of SIDS. interestingly enough over 95% of the autopsies showed an issue with the brain stem, and an imbalance of the chemicals therein.
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
My whole family slept with is when we were babies. It can be dangerous but I believe a mother has instincts so it isnt too common. Something bad could happen but only you really know if youd roll over onto her or not. Just a personal opinion from my familys ways 😊💕
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I've heard way too many stories about accidental smothering!
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
I agree.. such a huge risk. @kmrie
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
Iv learned about safe sleeping an that's not a good idea they tell us it's not safe to fall asleep with baby even though it may be hard at time an you may think yourl wake up if they move or make noise but doesn't always happen . It's ok to sleep in same room as baby but shouldn't share bed when sleeping
18.05.2015 Нравится Ответить
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