Claudia Aguilar
United States, Washington
Mother of 3👦🏻👧🏻👶🏻


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Отрицательный ли результат при слабой полоске на тесте?
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I went to my doctor appointment today & Urine test came back negative but took this tests later today & in all there is a line. They did took a blood test but I have to wait till Monday 🙄😬 to find out.

Do they still call it negative if line is very faint because it seems to me I’m not that far along and my lines are beraly starting to get darker, has this ever happen to anyone ?

Sorry if y’all get tired of me asking this will be my 4th baby if I am. But totally different then all my 3 pregnancies
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claudie_02 It’s harder to see on a picture I was trying my hardest for my camera to pick
claudie_02 Also on blue & pink dye results showed within window period time.
claudie_02 Doctor said my blood test came back “Invalid” and that it was negative 😞 so he said
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Беременность: как понять, что ты беременна? Симптомы, тесты и анализ ХГЧ — делимся опытом!
I have an appointment Friday to find out if I am pregnant or not!! I’m so nervous 😬. I have been taking First Response Tests Pink Dye and line looks very faint. What symptoms y’all had before finding out y’all was pregnant ?? This will be my 4th but I don’t really feel anything besides a lot of Fatigue & a lil bit of cramps on my lower abdomen.

Anyone experienced this how much of HCG should be detected on Blood work to be positive ?
ecahanes How late are you?
llamapantaloons I was hella bloated and my boobs were really sore and puffy before I got a positive
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Задержка 6 дней, тесты с двумя полосками, но отрицательный? Что делать и кому верить?
Quick question ladies I’m about 6Days late on my period.

Did a Advance Early Blue Dye Test & keep getting 2 lines but again I tried a Dollar one and pink dye came back negative anybody have something similar or should I not trust the blue dye?

I heard blue dye usually giving Evap Lines 😣 but my period still haven’t came I did 3 Tests and both were the same. Will be calling my doctor early tomorrow and see maybe blood 🩸 work will tell for sure but wanted to see if anyone had an experience like that
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xryztalroze I only use the Dollar Tree brand. They have never been wrong for me. I would retest
claudie_02 Thank you ladies, because line shows up right away. That’s why It confuses me because right when
claudie_02 I’m going to dollar tree and buy me some also to double check & digital will be
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