Claudia Aguilar
Claudia Aguilar

Задержка 6 дней, тесты с двумя полосками, но отрицательный? Что делать и кому верить?

Quick question ladies I’m about 6Days late on my period.

Did a Advance Early Blue Dye Test & keep getting 2 lines but again I tried a Dollar one and pink dye came back negative anybody have something similar or should I not trust the blue dye?

I heard blue dye usually giving Evap Lines 😣 but my period still haven’t came I did 3 Tests and both were the same. Will be calling my doctor early tomorrow and see maybe blood 🩸 work will tell for sure but wanted to see if anyone had an experience like that

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I’m going to dollar tree and buy me some also to double check & digital will be good too! 😊
06.07.2022 Нравится Ответить
Thank you ladies, because line shows up right away. That’s why It confuses me because right when I pore my urine it just starts showing that quick on all 3.
06.07.2022 Нравится Ответить
Best of wishes! I hope you get the results you desire!!! 🥰
06.07.2022 Нравится Ответить
I only use the Dollar Tree brand. They have never been wrong for me. I would retest and then make an appointment for a blood draw to be sure.
06.07.2022 Нравится Ответить
Yes blue dye tests have evap lines frequently. It just depends on how accurate you are reading the test. The evap lines almost never show up within the specific window but will show up just a few mins too long on reading but blue dye is notorious for this. I would trust dollar store pink dye over expensive blue dye. You can try a digital, those are accurate after missed period but not before. Blood tests are obvs most accurate. Good luck!
06.07.2022 Нравится Ответить
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