Sooo, my sister called and told me that my lil brother is having another baby and she told me his wife is really big and pregnant like 5 months pregnant.
I talked to him the night before this conversation with my sister and he never mentioned anything about it. I sent him a text saying he may had forgotten to inform me about something. He texted back no I didn’t.
I told him our sister told me he was having another baby. Poor guy said I told her not to tell nobody because I want to want until she was in her second trimester. Since it been difficult for them to have another baby ( his wife miscarriage a month before I got pregnant). He was so upset because he tell our mother and his wife side.
Come to find out his wife is 7 weeks pregnant and my sister just messed up their surprise. He ended up telling mom before sis got to her so there wouldn’t be a war.
So, not to long ago my 87 years old grandma fall down the stairs and was hospitalized. She have dementia but keep coming to philly to see her BF. My uncles are the ones who drive her here which she stay for a few days with her BF. I dont like it because they be leaving her and this is the reason she fall in the first place. She was left to be with her BF and try to walk up the stairs without help.
Idk why they think this is ok. So, when she get hurt I am the one who have to do everything because im the closest.