Sooo, my sister called and told me that my lil brother is having another baby and she told me his wife is really big and pregnant like 5 months pregnant.
I talked to him the night before this conversation with my sister and he never mentioned anything about it. I sent him a text saying he may had forgotten to inform me about something. He texted back no I didn’t.
I told him our sister told me he was having another baby. Poor guy said I told her not to tell nobody because I want to want until she was in her second trimester. Since it been difficult for them to have another baby ( his wife miscarriage a month before I got pregnant). He was so upset because he tell our mother and his wife side.
Come to find out his wife is 7 weeks pregnant and my sister just messed up their surprise. He ended up telling mom before sis got to her so there wouldn’t be a war.