Paris Newman
United States, Louisiana, Bell City


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is anyone else baby constipated? If so, how’d you help your baby??
natalie.bolinao How many months is your baby? 5? We would give our daughter Apple juice watered down everyday.
mama_boricuax4 Benifiber the powder I would mix it into my son’s formula twice a day in the morning
kbbaybee16 I did gerber probiotic drops in his milk and bicycle legs. And my husband use to give
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My daughter is 4 months old. when should i try for another one if i want them kinda close together.
momzillaof5 My youngest two are 12 months and 2 weeks apart. (Didn’t do it on purpose) BUT I
lifegrowsinside depeneds on how close you want them
chelseaz I got pregnant with my daughter when my son was only 4 months old. They are a
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Did anyone else want another baby 4 months after their first or is it just me ?🙃🙃
romeowhiskey I miss how being pregnant made me feel, but the thought of chasing my toddler around while
d_i_a_z Lmao I think it's just you hahaha
massmomma16 Just you girl lol 😂
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Opinions on co sleeping ?
j.luciano I've co slept with both of my girls. Started around 3-4 months. They were still sleeping with
romeowhiskey Cosleeping.. hmm. So up until my baby was 9m old, I slept on my couch. Now I
massmomma16 My mom worked with a guy who shared bed with his wife and child. The wife smothered
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My baby is 4 months & weighs 10 pounds 12 oz. how to help her gain weight? She was born 8 pounds 3.2 oz.. HELP PLEASE I’ve tried cereal in bottles and she Got constipated.
mccartymchs If her doctor says her weight is fine then it is. Trust me, they will let it
mccartymchs Also, you can add more calories to her bottles by making it more concentrated. We had to
del_1552931662_cant_stop_wont_stop_mom_ Cereal has no nutrition in it so your basically feeding her iron which will constipate her pretty
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do you let your fiancé go to bars with his friends while you stay home and watch the kid(s)??? or am i the only one against that..
Also, what if you hate his friend because he doesn’t respect y’all & he continues to bring him around you?
a.mama22 I don’t tell my husband what he can and can’t do. He works hard and he deserves
jellybeans33 The first part wouldn’t bother me. But I would be annoyed with the second part
nomli I have no problem with the first half. Hell, I practically push him out the door sometimes,
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