Paris Newman
Paris Newman
My baby is 4 months & weighs 10 pounds 12 oz. how to help her gain weight? She was born 8 pounds 3.2 oz.. HELP PLEASE I’ve tried cereal in bottles and she Got constipated.

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Cereal has no nutrition in it so your basically feeding her iron which will constipate her pretty badly. My daughter is 14months and barely weights 21lbs EVERYONE tells me she's small but shes in the 50 percentile all she's right where she needs to be. Forcing her to gain weight can cause problems later on. If her doctor isn't worried leave it be if they didn't tell you how to help her gain then she doesnt need to. Childhood obesity is so high so don't force her to gain she will develop just fine at the rate she's going.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Also, you can add more calories to her bottles by making it more concentrated. We had to use neosure which is 22 calories but it's pretty hard on their bellies. You can make a higher calorie count for any kind of formula though!
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
If her doctor says her weight is fine then it is. Trust me, they will let it be known if they want it higher. My lo is 1 year and weights almost 17lb. He is on the lowest growth curve but finally got there and now hes good. My step sisters 7mo old is 20lb. All babies will be a different weight and will grow at different paces. If you that concerned about her weight, go get a second opinion from another doctor.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Cereal would most likely do the opposite of trying to get her to gain because she wouldn’t be getting as much formula/breastmilk, which is all she needs. Not to mention any type of food isn’t recommended until 6 months old.
How many oz does she get in a day?
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
she eats 8 when she wakes up and then 6 every 4 hours
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
If your doctor was concerned he would give you appropriate advice -theres ways to increase calories without risking your childs life or long term gut health. If you're concerned your doctor is wrong- get a second opinion.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
Please don’t do cereal it’s a choking hazard. Some babies gain weight slower and that’s fine. My son is on the low end of the growth and weight curve but because he follows his growth and weight curve the doctors aren’t worried. Please don’t over feed your baby just to make it gain weight it’s not healthy
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
I agree with above. If your doctor who is a trained medical professional isn’t concerned with her weight then I don’t see the issue
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
All babies are going to be different sizes, you can’t really compare. Does she eat well? Does she have plenty of wet diapers? Her doctor says she’s fine. Nothing wrong with having a petite baby if she’s eating well and wetting enough diapers.
Also cereal in bottles is a huge no-no and choking hazard.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
What does her Dr say?
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
That her weight is “fine”. but it’s not. There are babies younger & way bigger.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
@parisnewman88, if her doctor says she is fine and following her growth chart, she is fine. Babies grow differently and every single one of them isn’t going to be chunky. My daughter is 2 and only weighs 22lbs. There are older infants bigger than her and there are kids her age bigger than her.
12.12.2018 Нравится Ответить
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