My mom worked with a guy who shared bed with his wife and child. The wife smothered the child. She committed suicide two months later. And that is not a risk I will ever be willing to take.
Cosleeping.. hmm. So up until my baby was 9m old, I slept on my couch. Now I did that for a few reasons, at first it was because I had a csection and it was easier to get up and down on. But I also didn’t trust myself to go to sleep fully for fear I wouldn’t hear my baby or I’d drop him. Even though I’m the worlds lightest sleeper. Then I had three other surgeries and it just became habit.
For the last two months, we’ve slept in my bed. California King, even though we take up the five or six inches closest to the edge 😅 I love it. I can sleep good knowing he’s right next to me. I’ve seen a lot, that makes me constantly worry. And I just feel I do better with him next to me. Plus the bond! Nothing beats baby cuddles ❤️
Long paragraph basically to say yes. I cosleep. It’s safer for outside dangers, it gives your baby that comfort they need of mommy being there at all times, and it gives me peace of mind. ❤️Can’t beat that🤙🏻
I've co slept with both of my girls. Started around 3-4 months. They were still sleeping with me up until now since I'm in a relationship, they sleep on their own.
But I loved co-sleeping. It just made me feel closer to my kids & made me feel that they were safer in my arms than in their cribs.
Bedsharing is not worth the risk for me. I know a sweet baby girl that died from it. Sleep safety is just as important as car seat safety and I wish people took it seriously.
I love co long as like you don’t have a partner that flips and baby is in a safe space. I probably wouldn’t co sleep if his dad was back home & in bed because he sleeps wild but it’s just me and him in the bed and I don’t flip over without him at night so he’s always in front of me .
As long as you can manage to ween them off. My almost 3 yr old is finally sleeping on a bed next to our bed.
I have my 1yr old who doesn’t wanna sleep unless she’s with me
Love it!
made night time feeding a breeze, made us so close, everyone got to actually sleep.
If you dont smoke, or drink or drug, it can be done safely.
It's not for everyone.
You'll get a lot of flack lol
Bed. she screams her head off all night unless I’m holding her. I’ll stay up while she sleeps for an hour in my arms, put her in her crib gently and she starts screaming
@parisnewman88, I bed shared with my son from the time he was 10 weeks til 13 months. Neither one of us would’ve slept otherwise. Despite the naysayers, there ARE ways to bedshare safely but you have to be very strict about it. Dr. Sears’s website has a great section with tips like: tie long hair up, wear a long sleeved t-shirt so you don’t pull the covers up, place mom between baby and partner (as mom is far less likely to roll over on baby), don’t smoke/drink/take drugs while bedsharing, etc. Do your research and be safe.
Best option is co sleeping but make sure the baby has its own place. Like a in bed bassinet or a side co sleeper. You’ll never know if you’ll move an arm or a leg and hit baby by accident or baby can roll over to a pillow or blanket and not get much oxygen.