United States, Indiana
Fellow R&R BB Lurker. I feel weird being a big girl now so I am still going to say, you batches!!😗


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Here is my kids halloween costumes from last year:) @Tennesseehawk
mojobebes Very cute. You did such a good job!
tennesseehawk Super super cute!! I’m loving this idea even more now! Is the wolf costume homemade? It looks
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Made a cake for my friends little boy :) Super happy with how it turned out!
icebergahead Wow this is really excellent work. Dont drop it
bunsinmyoven @jjl23, wow well done freehanding!!
mamakrisst Literally giving me anxiety! Push that thing back omg
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This was after I took off my clothes and peed this morning compared to last night's weight at 176. I fluctuate so much on weight it's crazy.
babybump_user I do too!!! Hopefully mine goes down today without shoes on lol
babybump_user When I first started my journey I fluctuated really bad and after trial and error I learned
babybump_user Yes! I have the same problem! I'm going to up my water. I know I need to
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jjl23 Here's the other half of the house.
babybump_user Can I have it???! Lol Nice house.
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babybump_user Will you come organize my life?? And clean my house? Pretty please? Dang where’s the batting eyes
babybump_user I find it perfect for a little family
jjl23 Lol if I didn't have those cube organizers then there would be stuff everywhere. Like I said
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So my daughter has a double ear infection and they diagnosed her with croup and a cold also. She started a high fever 4 days ago and now has this rash. My son had roseola with the same symptoms at her age, do you think that's what this is also? It looks the same as what his did.
babybump_user Yep sounds like roseola... it starts with a high fever and then when the fever breaks the
jjl23 No they didn't test for strep. She is so miserable. I think I'm going to take her
babybump_user Omg. Take her to a different Doctor. Poor child shouldn’t have to struggle because of that foolish
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