tete w
United States, Cincinnati
Im back mommies Last time I was on this app was alot of drama I've grown quite bit over the years and my princess is with me full time. I am now 28


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Почему люди чаще комментируют негатив?
People will comment more on negitive then postive instead of simply making a positive suggestion or offering to be a support .there's no book on motherhood, but when i do something that's not agreed upon, an i clap back im aggressive
caffeinequeen. As I can see from the comments above, there seems to be a lot of reasons for
metalcoremomx4 Its public form. When you put yourself out there, you are opening yourself up to opinions. Therefore
teetw0608 Some of you ladies are still proving my point. I get everyone has their opinions i can
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Что делать, если нет газа и не пришли продуктовые талоны во время снежной бури? Советы одинокой маме
I never struggled this hard as a single mom were in the middle of a snow storm i have no gas an they didnt even put my stamps on . Im praying that something will happen because im def trying to be postive and figure it out:-(
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Since we missed out on the museum event about him we'll be watching this movie today . I feel like its very informative and great for kids. We have to teach them . We love people no what what color age of religion. We love an admire what he stood for an when he said he had a dream it become reality he was threatened and intimidated an kept going. For my daughter i want her to live her dream and be a leader regardless of what it takes because she is greatness an can do anything she wants to like this man.
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somebodysmama2 I need to find this movie!
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Кто-нибудь делает валентинку на дереве? Хочу попробовать украсить маленькую елку к празднику
Is anyone else doing a valentine tree or has done one i think ill try it my tree is small
icebergahead I did one year. I added large heart felts ( pinks and reds) on a white tree.
itskarina I did one 2 years ago. It was cute. I still have all the stuff but not
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Где купить печенье Girl Scout онлайн? Дочь продает для местных мамочек! Ссылка внутри
Heyy heyy you my daughter is selling girl scout cookies for the local mommys if you would like to order online the link is below thank you :

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