Leslie. C
United States, San Bernardino


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Как удивить дочь поездкой в Диснейленд в 6-летие?
Mamas im suprising my daughter by taking her to Disneyland or her actual birthday which is this friday. But im running dry on ideas lol can anyone suggest anything. Shes turning 6, she loves all princesses. Shes been asking for months to go, and with alot of budgeting we are able to make it happen for her. Please send ideas, on how i can surprise her!!! she wont know until the day of. Thank you in advance
lizibear84 When I was little we didn’t find out until we were about to land on the plane…..
lezlie527 I agree of our Littles not knowing the concept of time lol my daughter will be in
2sweetie Honestly I would tell her either the day before or the morning of because sometimes kids don’t
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Дочь в детском саду не слушается: учительница отсадила одну, что делать? Нужен совет!
I need some advice!! So my daughters kindergarten teacher move my 5 year old becuse she wasnt listenig and was playing around alot. Here my issue, she told me she moved her by herself, and said she will sit by herself until she learns.. in that moment i was just trying to hear what was going all i said was okay so i can ask my daughter what was going on.. my daughter did tell me she was talking alot and thats why she got move to sit alone. Not once did her teacher reach out to me about her behavior through the parents app. So i could address it at home. She does get a paper that shows behavior with colors: (blue,green,yellow,orange and red) but doesnt say whats been going on.. my child is only 5 and i dont think its okay to move her by herself like a form a punishment. Its hard to get a 5 year old to listening..and as a mom i feel some type of way
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ekko I understand why you feel the way you do. What color papers has she been getting? That’s
2sweetie How long has it been since she’s been sitting alone and has it helped? It’s common for
lezlie527 She got seated by herself last Friday. But has been home sick since.. she just returned to
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