Leslie. C
Leslie. C

Дочь в детском саду не слушается: учительница отсадила одну, что делать? Нужен совет!

I need some advice!! So my daughters kindergarten teacher move my 5 year old becuse she wasnt listenig and was playing around alot. Here my issue, she told me she moved her by herself, and said she will sit by herself until she learns.. in that moment i was just trying to hear what was going all i said was okay so i can ask my daughter what was going on.. my daughter did tell me she was talking alot and thats why she got move to sit alone. Not once did her teacher reach out to me about her behavior through the parents app. So i could address it at home. She does get a paper that shows behavior with colors: (blue,green,yellow,orange and red) but doesnt say whats been going on.. my child is only 5 and i dont think its okay to move her by herself like a form a punishment. Its hard to get a 5 year old to listening..and as a mom i feel some type of way

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She got seated by herself last Friday. But has been home sick since.. she just returned to school today. And the teacher did make it seem like it was an issue, she told she has told her multiple times and she's not at that point I felt it's something that should of been communicated with me as her we can find a solution for her behavior. But no not once did she communicate with me. The way she delivered that she was getting moved, sounded like a punishment a parent would give their child not a teacher. She said and I quote: Jessie has been listening, so I moved her by herself and she's going to sit there until she learns" (now add some attitude to that and that's how it was told to me) my child is 5, she's not 10.. Littles have short attention spans. And by no means am I saying my daughter behavior is right nor am I defending it. She should be listening, and not being disruptive. And I ask my daughter about her day, and she's just says it was fun! Short and simple.
21.09.2022 Нравится Ответить
How long has it been since she’s been sitting alone and has it helped? It’s common for teachers to move students around the classroom and they don’t necessarily need to inform parents unless it’s an extreme issue that needs attention. My daughter has already been moved 3 times 😂 She’s at the front of the class which is where I wanted her to be because she loves socializing and can get distracted with talking to other kids. Her teacher didn’t say anything, my daughter told me herself that she was moved. I think teachers always try to handle challenging behaviors on their own before involving the parents. But if you have concerns, definitely talk to her teacher.
19.09.2022 Нравится Ответить
I understand why you feel the way you do. What color papers has she been getting? That’s a quick way to communicate about her behavior. Plus she did communicate to you today about the issue and what she’s putting in place to help stop the behavior. If your daughter is interfering with the learning of others then it makes sense to move her temporarily to help stop the behavior. Hopefully this will help her learn the classroom expectations. If you have suggestions to help the teacher manage your daughter’s behavior then I’m sure she’d appreciate knowing what works at home.
17.09.2022 Нравится Ответить
Mostly blues, green, orange and yellow maybe once each and 1 red. But these colors have been for the 2 almost 3 months she's been in school. I do understand my daughter wasn't listening, and being disruptive but if it was such an issue it should of been communicated with me "she's only 5" if teacher to older kids communicate bad behavior to parents why couldn't she do it why do we even have a parent app for if she's not going to use it. Her and I are suppose to be a team, since my daughter does spend alot of time at school during the week 850am to 330pm. And I again I say: the way it was said to me is what I'm not okay with, she said and I quote: Jessie hasn't been listening, I moved her by herself and she will sit there until she learns! (Now add some attitude to how that's said, and that's exactly how it was told to me) communication with parents is key specially when their that young. But not once did she reach out to try and find a solution with the parent about my child behavior. I'm not defending my daughters behavior, she should be listening and paying attention.. and if she's not and she's been told multiple times, then she needs to talk to me about it.
21.09.2022 Нравится Ответить
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