Leslie. C
Leslie. C
Ladies: just had my middle school/high school boyfriend (1st love) message me on fb!! I havent seen him in over 10years, we did exchange hellos on fb but nothing more. We did have a moment over 10 years ago, when his mom passed away.. we hung out made out a little and spoke one time after that.. and I stopped answering his texts. Well here he is again, I know something is up with I feel I been his person to go too, when things go bad. He came off as he was trying to meet up or something .. and I put him in his place, let him know I'm very happy with my fiance and my family, and were friend nothing more. I know something up, he has 3 kids now and a fiance.. what do you ladies think about this? Also the crazy thing is, my niece had just asked me about my ex's and I talked about him...and them boom he messages me. Fucking weird. Either way I'm nipping it in the bud, and sending him on his way.

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