How early did you start having morning sickness. I just got a positive test today 17dpo and I'm worried morning sickness will start soon. I want to be prepared. Any advice is greatly appreciated!
I started getting sick literally the day I found out. I was 4 weeks and went to the doctors for birth control and had been sick all day then come to find out I was pregnant
6 weeks in with a vengeance. eat crackers or toast in the morning even if it sounds disgusting lack of food makes it worse. they have preggie drops which are expensive lifesavers they help. flat ginger ale, ginger candies, b6 vitiamins, I had to change prenatals my first ones had dha in them only now can I stomach them.
I had no idea that I was pregnant until I was about 9 weeks. the only times that I got sick were when I changed prenatals, during sex, and when I was up awake between 3:30am and 5 am. lol
it's kind of hard to predict because some ppl don't experience it at all...I can say for me it started right after I confirmed pregnancy so like at 6-7 weeks