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Что делать, если у 16-месячного ребёнка признаки аутизма?
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My little boy is 16months old were waiting for him to be assesed for autism. Because hes not talking not walking dosent wave his hands chucks his toys he rocks constantly head bangs and hand slaps you what csn i do in the mean time? Has any one else had this with their little one at a young age i feel a bit lost and thats its just me being over the top. X
becijayne944 Even though he didn't start sitting up on his own untill he was 11month old hes not
becijayne944 Also he loved being.cuddled now he's dosent if you go near him.he.slaps or head buts you. He
em90 I have x2 boys diagnosed. I would say at this age its very difficult to distinguish. As
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Jacks just over 5month. He cant sit up properly on his own should i be concerned or wait incase hes development is a liitle slower than other children.
ginah I think both of mine were 6months before they could sit unaided- I wouldn’t worry just yet
tammyxx I wouldn't worry neither. Neither of mine sat up fully unaided till well after 6 months but
georgina-ox Two of mine didn’t sit till 9 months, then didn’t walk till 17 and 19months the other
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