Ok so my little.boy hes 4month old and his right side of the head right round to the back of his head is really flat. I have spoke to the doctors and my health vistor about this and they have messured and checked his head. I feel like its worsened and not getting better.
Ive tried tummy time
Different positions
Changing the way gets his bottle so hes not lying on the flat side
Ive tried having him on his normal side so hes not on the flat side of his head with something behind him so he dosent lie back on the the flat side
A pillow thats used for flat head syndrome
Ive tried alsorts. Ive just come of the phone to them again because im concerned about it. She has sent me a link for flat head sydrome and said she would have another look tomorrow as hes down their for his injections. Ive had a look and the things thats on their ive been doing this has been over a period of 3month. What else can i do? Any one else's child suffer with flat head syndrome? Its driving my anxiety through the roof because it just dosent look right bless him and i feel hopeless. Its really noticeable to :(