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i think my next child i want to have him/her as a water birth. Thats if i am able to. When i had my son jayden i had a c-section due to preeclampsia high blood pressure. Is there any chance that i may have my next child naturally??
jaydensmommy808 @jsco yea they had me on magnesium for my blood pressure for two days while i was
jsco well maybe if you get a Dr that's willing to try and do a water birth they
mom2ethananddylan I had a c section with my first and my second I asked if I can go
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ladies im 8 days kate and just took a pregnancy test. it came out negative !😑 has anyone expirienced this and still came out pregnant????
jaydensmommy808 @beebaby but im not even stressed....and my last months since ive had them have all been on
jaydensmommy808 @beebaby true
lakota-winyan one time I was 3 months late.. and it was from my diet. lol
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how do you mommys deal with your babies and their crying. i cant seem to walk away out of his sight or do anything and he just cries his brains out. hes 7 months by the way
kstout711 I definitely can't do the cry it out method.
jaydensmommy808 @goodbyelullabye @kstout711 i tried the cry it out method but he will scream his brains out to
skylarskeeper526 Same for me, she will cry untill she chokes on her spit and throws up, I just
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How Many Mothers Had Babies a Year Apart?
how many mommys had babies a year apart?
loveerii @jaydensmommy808, I just feel like they cut down on confusion. My fiancé bought the first response tests
genesismommy26 @jaydensmommy808, my son will be 1yr and 8M when the baby will be here
boymomx4 Me, my boys are a year apart ❤ I was pregnant two summers in a row 😳
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