i think my next child i want to have him/her as a water birth. Thats if i am able to. When i had my son jayden i had a c-section due to preeclampsia high blood pressure. Is there any chance that i may have my next child naturally??
I had a c section with my first and my second I asked if I can go natural rather than a c section and was told that it is not safe and there are many complications that can occur... maybe your doctor will
@jsco yea they had me on magnesium for my blood pressure for two days while i was dialting but i didnt go anymore then 6 centimeters so they took me in for my csection
if your blood pressure went that high they wouldn't let you stay in labor. you'd probably be taken for another csection. just as a precaution for you and the baby.
@jsco @beebaby @mandaaleexo but like say if my blood pressure was to go up to 180 or 190 like my last birth. are they able to help me like they did when i was in the hospital