@ssdj4 yea thats what @cubanese was mentioning. i really wasnt planning on it either. my first born i tried for 10 months with no oretection and i didnt get pregnant until october and then now it be kind of shocking if im pregnant because i was not even trying
@jaydensmommy808, I started getting morning sickness, headaches & was dizzy, that's what made me test. I say wait a few more days and I'd recommend using the pregnancy tests that says "yes" or "no"
@loveerii i feel fatigue and sometimes nauseas but then again those symptoms can be period symptoms too lol so i guess its the whole waiting game. my son when i found out i was pregnant i was 8 days late from my period but this time i think i had implantation bleeding like 2 or 3 weeks ago. i had light spotting and some brown discharge tmi but it went away and now i havent gotten my period
it is possible as the body is not healed fully. they recommend waiting 18 months before getting pregnant again for that reason. I felt better my second pregnancy and even went almost 2 weeks longer (both of my kids are preemies)
@jaydensmommy808, I had a period October 4th that lasted four days, or so I thought it was a period. I found out October 26th I was four weeks along. Do you feel any different?
@loveerii okay im not sure if i am or not but i think ive had implantation bleeding about two weeks or three weeks ago and i havent gotten my period going on three days now