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Горит влагалище на 38 неделе беременности: что это может быть и как облегчить боль?
I’m about to be 38 weeks pregnant and the past 2 days with today being extremely painful my hooha literally feels like it’s on fire. Not like a uti burning but it’s like if I am sitting and I move forward just alittle or sit back it’s like I wanna scream because of how much it hurts and it’s a constant feeling it’s not like it comes and goes. I don’t know how else to describe it but I don’t wanna go in and they just send me home… has anyone else experienced this?
mommakaylax3 Yes I have and the doctor tells me it’s when baby engages and is super low to
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Has anyone taken Cephalexin(keflex) while pregnant??
llamapantaloons I had to a couple of times. As far as I’m aware of, everything was fine with
boymomx4 Yes it’s safe for baby and momma!
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Беременность и боли
I’m 35 weeks pregnant and I’m having the worst period like cramps. I can’t even stand when I do stand I feel like my hips are being dislocated and the amount of pressure on my hooha is unbearable. I’ve told my doctor and she just says it’s normal but I feel like it isn’t and I don’t want to go to the hospital just for them to send me home but even laying down doesn’t even relieve any of the pain 😩
lizibear84 Try a heating pad on low behind your hips. It could be your pelvis opening up more
chicana I’m 38 weeks and I’m going through the same and their Braxton hicks and it totally normal
2sweetie Are you sure you’re not in labor?
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Can "bad" genes run in a child? Im only asking because my child is outta hand. Im a single mother of 2 and i am beyond stressed trying to calm him down when he has his "emotional episodes".
aliciaandray I’m not sure like actual facts but I think majority of how a child acts is how
ekko No, but like someone said if it’s a developmental delay or a behavior disorder then those can
massgirl Have you consider taking him to be evaluated by a child psychologist? They may be able to
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Has anyones babys father signed their rights away? I have a question.
eatmyassfromtheback-kthanks They generally can not. Most states have a law that requires someone else to adopt like your
eatmyassfromtheback-kthanks Do you have contact with your ex? Would he be willing to allow him to adopt them?
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Anyone have the depo shot? Ive been on it for 1 year and couple months i believe and now im experiencing HEAVY bleeding and tons of cramping feels like being in labor all over again. Has anyone dealt with this?
scream.queen Yes! Worst birth control ever. I stopped it after 1 year. I had heavy bleeding and cramps,
dscroggins08 Depo made me gain so much ,on top of that it made me a raging bitch😭
mumma_0fo2 Yes i been on it for a few years before my 1st one and there was some
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