Горит влагалище на 38 неделе беременности: что это может быть и как облегчить боль?

I’m about to be 38 weeks pregnant and the past 2 days with today being extremely painful my hooha literally feels like it’s on fire. Not like a uti burning but it’s like if I am sitting and I move forward just alittle or sit back it’s like I wanna scream because of how much it hurts and it’s a constant feeling it’s not like it comes and goes. I don’t know how else to describe it but I don’t wanna go in and they just send me home… has anyone else experienced this?

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Yes I have and the doctor tells me it’s when baby engages and is super low to where when they check for dilation they can feel the tip of baby’s Head. It’s extremely uncomfortable. Have you been checked for dilation yet?
15.10.2023 Нравится Ответить
No I haven’t. I have my scheduled C-section on the 26th so I don’t know if she’s going to check me on my appt on the 17th.
15.10.2023 Нравится Ответить
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